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Our learning and experiences

Numeracy and Maths


Our learning within numeracy and maths is based around Heinemann, SEAL and White rose maths.
The children set targets with the class teacher and continually assess themselves to make sure that they are achieving their best.
Numeracy takes place four times a week and maths once.
We also have a lot of fun learning our Basic Maths facts which allow us to work on our mental maths strategies.



We have just started a new writing approach called 'Talk for Writing' and all of the children are thoroughly enjoying it. We have been learning new skills and a wider variety of approaches to writing from doing this.

We practise spelling daily with challenges and we are also assessed twice a week.

The children read four times a week and take part in a wide variety of linked reading activities.

The class take part in a wide variety of tasks, activities and lessons around listening and talking throughout the year they also do some focus time on a Wednesday.

Health and Wellbeing


The children at Fountainhall take part in a wide variety of PE throughout the year. They have PE twice a week and take part in events organised by the council.

We also work hard to build on our resilience by following our building resilience program. This has helped our children hugely and has allowed them to be more resilient, show respect, challenge their mindsets and more!



Interdisciplinary Learning is a key focus to our learning. The children are able to choose their own learning focus for a term based around our 'Big Ideas'.
The children then create their own learning wall linked to their chosen IDL and both the children and the class teacher work together to make this learning a reality. They do this through accessing the relevant Learning Intentions and using these to create their whole learning experience.


Primary School 2-7

A family of learning and experiences

Here at Fountainhall Primary School, we see the value in everyone.

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